How Does a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Work?

A Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) utilizes a beam of electrons to produce highly magnified and detailed images of specimens. Developed in the early 1930s by Ernst Ruska and Max Knolls, and later improved by Ruska with Siemens, TEMs revolutionized our ability to observe the ultrastructure of cells and materials at a molecular level. This microscope surpasses the capabilities of light microscopes, with a magnification power exceeding 2 million times, enabling detailed characterization of morphological features, compositions, and crystallization information.

Principle of TEM

The working principle of a TEM is akin to that of a light microscope, but instead of using light rays, it employs a beam of electrons to focus and produce an image. Electrons have much shorter wavelengths than visible light, allowing TEMs to achieve significantly higher resolution. While light microscopes suffer from a decrease in resolution with increased magnification, TEMs maintain high resolution due to the shorter wavelength of electrons, which is about 0.005 nm—100,000 times shorter than that of light. This high resolution allows TEMs to detail the internal structures of even the smallest particles, such as virions.

Key Components of  Electron Microscope TEM

Electron GunThe electron gun is responsible for producing the electron beam. It consists of a tungsten filament shaped like a V, which emits electrons when heated. The filament is covered by a control grid known as a Wehnelt cylinder, which has a central hole aligned with the tube. The cathode and the control grid are negatively charged, while the anode, a disk-shaped component with an axial hole, is positively charged. Electrons are transmitted from the cathode, pass through the columnar aperture of the Wehnelt cylinder, and are accelerated towards the anode at high voltage, focusing the electron beam onto the specimen.

Condenser Lenses The TEM employs two condenser lenses to converge the electron beam onto the specimen. The first condenser lens produces a smaller image of the specimen with strong magnification, while the second condenser lens directs the image to the objective lens system.

Image-Producing System The image-producing system comprises the objective lens, a movable stage for holding the specimen, intermediate lenses, and projector lenses. The objective lens, with a short focal length of about 1-5 mm, magnifies the image formed by the condenser lenses. The intermediate lens further magnifies this image, and the projector lens provides additional magnification, producing a highly detailed image.

Image Recording System The image recording system includes a fluorescent screen for viewing the image and digital cameras for permanent image recording. A vacuum system, comprising pumps, gauges, valves, and a power supply, is essential to maintain a high vacuum in the electron column, preventing electron collisions with air molecules that could disrupt the electron beam and degrade image quality. The final image is a monochromatic (grey or black and white) image, which can be digitized and manipulated for better visualization and analysis.

Working Mechanism of  Electron Microscope TEM

The  Electron Microscope TEM operates through a sequential process involving its various components. The heated tungsten filament in the electron gun produces electrons, which are focused onto the specimen by the condenser lenses. Magnetic lenses then focus the electron beam through the vacuum, allowing it to pass through the specimen. The interaction of Electron Microscope with the specimen creates variations in electron scattering, producing a detailed image of the specimen’s internal structure. Denser areas scatter more electrons, resulting in darker regions in the image, while thinner areas appear brighter. The image is projected onto a fluorescent screen or captured digitally for further analysis.

Preparation of Specimen for TEM

Specimens must be extremely thin (20-100 nm) to allow electrons to pass through and produce clear images. The preparation process involves several steps:

  1. Fixation: The specimen is fixed using chemical agents like glutaraldehyde or osmium tetraoxide, which stabilize the structure and maintain its originality.
  2. Dehydration: The fixed specimen is dehydrated with organic solvents, such as ethanol, to remove water content.
  3. Embedding: The dehydrated specimen is embedded in epoxy plastic, which hardens into a solid block.
  4. Sectioning: Thin sections of the embedded specimen are cut using an ultramicrotome with a glass knife.
  5. Staining: The thin sections are stained with heavy metals like lead citrate and uranyl acetate, which bind to the cell structures and increase contrast by scattering electrons.
  6. Mounting: The stained sections are mounted on copper grids for viewing under the TEM.

Applications of  Electron Microscope TEM

TEMs are used in a wide variety of scientific fields:

  • Biology: Visualizing and studying cell structures of bacteria, viruses, and fungi; viewing bacterial flagella and plasmids; differentiating between plant and animal cells.
  • Nanotechnology: Studying nanoparticles, such as ZnO nanoparticles, and their properties.
  • Material Science and Forensics: Detecting and identifying fractures and damaged microparticles to enable repair mechanisms.

Advantages of  Electron Microscope TEM

  • High Magnification and Resolution: Capable of magnifying images up to 2 million times and resolving details at the atomic level.
  • Versatility: Applicable in diverse fields, from basic biology to nanotechnology and forensic studies.
  • High-Quality Images: Produces clear, detailed images with high contrast.
  • Permanent Image Production: Images can be permanently recorded and analyzed.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendly training and operation.

Limitations of  Electron Microscope TEM

  • High Cost and Size: TEMs are expensive and large, requiring significant investment and space.
  • Tedious Specimen Preparation: Preparation involves multiple steps and can be labor-intensive.
  • Risk of Artifacts: Chemical fixation, dehydration, and embedding can introduce artifacts that may alter the specimen’s natural state.
  • Maintenance and Operation: TEMs require constant voltage supply and are sensitive to vibrations and electromagnetic interference, necessitating isolated environments.
  • Monochromatic Images: Typically produce black and white images unless enhanced with a fluorescent screen.

Can Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM Produce 3D Images?

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) mainly takes very detailed pictures of very thin slices of specimens. Advanced methods like Electron Microscope Tomography can make three-dimensional (3D) images by tilting the specimen and taking many pictures from different angles. These pictures are then put together by computer to make a detailed 3D model. However, TEM can’t show the complete 3D structure of whole cells or tissues well because the electron beam can only go through thin slices. For bigger biological structures, other techniques like Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (SBF-SEM) or Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) are better for making 3D images.


Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is an essential tool in modern science, providing unparalleled insights into the ultrastructure of cells and materials. Explore to find the right microscope that meets your needs or to make a better understanding of its working principles, key components, and operational mechanisms, scientists can harness its full potential for a wide range of applications. Despite its limitations, the advantages of TEM, including its high magnification, resolution, and versatility, make it an indispensable instrument in scientific research.


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